Updated on 18/ Jun./ 2021
Laboratory of Animal Husbandry Resources
Graduate School of Agriculture
Kyoto University
Professor : Hiroyuki Hirooka, Ph.D., Dr. Agric. Sci.
Associate Professor : Hajime Kumagai, Ph.D., Dr. Agric. Sci.
Assistant Professor : Kazato Oishi, Ph.D., Dr. Agric. Sci.
Lecturer : Yoko Tsukahara, Ph.D., Dr. Agric. Sci.
Office administrator : Masami Kubo
Students and research fellows
Doctor course : Akira Setoguchi, Kei Terada
Master course : Naoki Taguchi, Soichiro Nakamura, Takanori Toyama, Satoshi Egawa
Undergraduate : Hayata Yamada, Rei Sawada, Shigeru Kikuchi, Shinichi Irifune
a) Total evaluation for animal production systems.
Data and information on genetic performance, nutrition, management and
economic situations for beef, dairy, pigs, sheep and goats were collected
from various research fields concerning animal sciences in order to evaluate
total animal production systems. Modeling and simulation of such systems
were carried out.
b) Studies on livestock production systems in tropical areas
Surveys have been conducted to investigate various performances of native
livestock, nutrient requirements of the livestock, feeding system, quality
of feeds and grassland production in tropical areas. Such information will
be used to search better strategies for improving the existing systems.
Sustainable farming systems integrated between livestock and crops in smallholders
in the developing countries were evaluated through modeling works. The
surveys have been conducted in the south area of Thailand and in the central
area of Nepal.
c) Studies on environmental problems in animal production
Since animal industries have been specialized and scaled up, environmental
pollution caused by such animal industries led to serious problems in society
in Japan. Models for predicting excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus from
animal production systems were developed and a country-wide fact-finding
studies of the connection between crop and animal industries were performed
in order to define the role of animal industry in establishing a sustainable
d) Studies on effective utilization of unused resources as fodders of animals
Use of by-products as feeds of ruminants have been considered as one of
the ways to do resources recycling effectively. Therefore, evaluation
of several by-products as feed resources, development of organic,
chemical and physical treatments to improve forage quality of the
by-products, and use of forages made from the by-products in dairy
cattle and beef cattle productions have been carried out. The
by-products included woody resources such as bamboos, residues of Yam
production, fermented by-products, etc.
e) Other themes
Evaluation for production system of grazing animals using GPS and GIS,
Studies on conservation of useful genes, evaluation of similarity of
clones, ethical studies about advanced reproductive technologies,
theoretical studies on system analysis and statistics, anthropological
studies on ways of use of milk and meat, economical studies on
consumption of animal products, setting of breeding objectives, etc.
a) Publications
- Books
- Original papers
Terada K, Ohtani T, Ogawa S, Hirooka H. 2024. Genetic parameters for carcass and meat quality traits in Jinhua, Duroc, and their crossbred pigs. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 141(1):33-41. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12823
Katsumata S, Hayashi Y, Oishi K, Tuskahara T, Inoue R, Obata A, Hirooka H, Kumagai H. 2023. Effects of liquefied sake lees on growth performance and fecal and blood characteristics in Japanese Black calve. Animal 17(7): 100873 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2023.100873
Setoguchi A, Oishi K, Kimura Y, Ogino A, Kumagai H, Hirooka H. 2022. Carbon footprint assessment of a whole dairy farming system with a biogas plant and the use of solid fraction of digestate as a recycled bedding material. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances 15:200115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcradv.2022.200115
Aoki H, Sato Y, Katsumata S, Yamauchi M, Yamanaka S, Kishi Y, Oishi K, Hirooka H, Kumagai H. 2022. Effects of calcium salt of linseed oil fatty acid with different oil adsorbents on in vitro gas production and ruminal fermentation characteristics. Animal Science Journal 93(1): e13707, https://doi.org/10.1111/ asj.13707
Kojima T, Oishi K, Aoki N, Matusbara Y. Uete T, Fukushima Y, Inoue G, Sato S, Shiraishi T, Hirooka H, Masuda T. 2022. Estimation of beef cow body condition score: a machine learning approach using three-dimensional image data and a simple approach with heart girth measurements. Livestock Science 256:104816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104816
Kitajima K, Oishi K, Kojima T, Uenishi S, Yasunaka Y, Sakai K, Kumagai H, Hirooka H. 2021. An assessment of stress status in fattening steers by monitoring heart rate variability: A case of dietary vitamin A restriction. Frontiers in Animal Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fanim.2021.799289
Sato Y, Takebe H, Tominaga K, Oishi K, Kumagai H, Yoshida T, Hirooka H. 2021. Taxonomic and functional characterization of the rumen microbiome of Japanese Black cattle revealed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenome shotgun sequencing. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 97: fiab152. https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiab152
Han H, Yamanaka S, Tsukahara T, Hotta Y, Takagi T, Kumagai H. 2021. In vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics of gum arabic under concentrate and forage substrate conditions. Animal Science Journal 92(1):e13651. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/asj.13651
Kitajima K, Oishi K, Miwa M, Anzai H, Setoguchi A, Yasunaka Y, Himeno Y, Kumagai H, Hirooka H. 2021. Effects of heat stress on heart rate variability in free-moving sheep and goats assessed with correction for physical activity. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 658763. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.658763
Tokunaga T, Jomane FN, Mandai S, Ishida T, Hirooka H. 2021. Estimation of the marbling development pattern In Japanese Black cattle by using ultrasound measurement data. Animal Science Journal 92:e13533. https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13533
Mannen H, Tabata R, Nomura Y, Okuda Y, Kumagai H, Shah MK, Kunieda T. 2021.
Goats: Outline of Sampling and Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms in Nepal
Report of the Society for Researches on Native Livestock 30: 243-250.
Nguyen TB, Shah MK, Okuda Y, Paul RC, Le TNA, Tabata R, Nomura Y, Mannen H, Kumagai H, Kunieda T. 2021.
Coat-color variations, body measurement, and mitochondrial DNA diversity of the Nepalese native horses.
Report of the Society for Researches on Native Livestock 30: 233-241.
Hayashi Y, Takeya E, Ikeno Y, Kumagai H, Cruz EM, Garcia NP, Aquino DL, Fujihara T. 2021. Periodic changes in chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of locally available Gramineae feed resources in the Philippines. Tropical Animal Health and Production 53:123-130. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-021-02572-y
Uenishi, S., Oishi, K., Kojima, T., Kitajima, K., Yasunaka, Y., Sakai,K., Sonoda, Y., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2021. A novel accelerometry approach combining information on classified behaviors and quantified physical activity for assessing health status of cattle: a preliminary study. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 235:105220. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2021.105220
Mure, S., Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. 2021. A deterministic simulation model for the evaluation of reproductive performance in Thoroughbred mares. Theriogenlogy 161:237-242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.12.012
Inoue K, Nishio M, Shoji N, Hirooka H. 2021. The effects of parent-of-origin models with different pedigree information on beef carcass traits and fatty acid composition in Japanese Black cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 137. 138:45-55. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12493
Kimura, Y., Suzuki, T., Yasui, S., Ishii, K., Kaziyama, T, Oishi, K., Ogino, A., Hinata, T., Hirooka, H., and Osada, T. 2020. Simulation of livestock biomass resource recycling and energy utilization model based on dry type methane fermentation system. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 460:012020. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/460/1/012020
Sato Y, Tominaga K, Aoki H, Murayama M, Oishi K, Hirooka H, Yoshida T, Kumagai H. 2020. Calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids from linseed oil decrease methane production by altering the rumen microbiome in vitro. PLos ONE 15(11):e0242158. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0242158
Inoue K, Hosono M, Oyama H, Hirooka H. 2020. Genetic associations between reproductive traits for first calving and growth curve characteristics of Japanese Black cattle. Animal Science Journal 91(1) e13467 https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13467
Sato Y, Nakanishi T, Wang L, Oishi K, Hirooka H, Kumagai H. 2020. In vitro and in vivo evaluations of wine lees as feeds for ruminants: Effects on ruminal fermentation characteristics, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and antioxidant status. Livestock Science 241:104217
Katsumata, S., Angthong, W., Narmsilee, R., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2020. Effects of feeding mother liquor, by-product of monosodium glutamate, on digestibility, energy and nitrogen balances, and rumen condition in Thai native bulls.縲 Animal Science Journal,91(1), e13421. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/asj.13421
Sakai, K., Oishi, K., Miwa, M., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2019. Behavior classification of goats using 9-axis multi sensors: The effect of imbalanced datasets on classification performance. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 166: 105027. doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.105027
Kojima, T., Oishi, K., Matsubara, Y., Uchiyama, Y., Fukushima, Y., Aoki,
N., Sato, S., Masuda, T., Ueda, J., Hirooka, H., and Kino, K. 2019. Cows
painted with zebra-like striping can avoid biting fly attack. PLoS ONE
14(10): e0223447.
シ2019蟷エ"Altmetric Top 100"蜈・繧奇シ75菴 https://www.altmetric.com/top100
Kimura, Y., Kato, H., Yasui, S., Ozaki, K., Yoshida, K., Ishii, K., Kaziyama, T., Oishi, K., and Osada, T. 2019. Baseline study of greenhouse gas emission from stored digested slurry after separation of biogasplant for dairy slurry in spring snowmelt period. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 98: 186-193. doi.org/10.3775/jie.98.186
Wang, L., Setoguchi, A., Oishi, K., Sonoda, Y., Kumagai, H., Irbis, C., Inamura, T., Hirooka, H. 2019. Life cycle assessment of 36 dairy farms with by-product feeding in Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment. 696: 133985 doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133985
Okamoto, K., Oishi, K., Nakamura, R., Abe, A., Inoue, K., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2019. Parent-of-origin effects on carcass traits in Japanese Black cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 136: 190-198. doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12382
Sato, Y., Nakanishi, T., Takeda, M., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2019. Effects of supplementary mother liquor, by- product of monosodium glutamate, on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics. Animal Science Journal 90: 90-97. doi.org/10.1111/asj.13132
Oishi, K., Himeno, Y., Miwa, M., Anzai, H., Kitajima, K., Yasunaka, Y.,
Kumagai, H., Ieiri, S., and Hirooka, H. 2018. Correcting the
activity-specific component of heart rate variability using dynamic body
acceleration under free-moving conditions. Frontiers in Physiology 9: 1063.dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffphys.2018.01063
Sonoda, Y., Oishi, K., Chomei, Y., and Hirooka, H. 2018. How do human
values influence the beef preferences of consumer segments regarding
animal welfare and environmentally friendly production? Meat Science
146: 75-86.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.07.030
Sato, Y., Angthong, W., Butcha, P., Takeda, M., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2018.
Effects of supplementary desalted mother liquor as replacement of commercial salt in diet for Thai native cattle on digestibility, energy and nitrogen balance, and rumen conditions.
Animal Science Journal 89: 1093-1101.doi.org/10.1111/asj.13028
Miwa, M., Oishi, K., Anzai, H., Kumagai, H., Ieiri, S., and Hirooka, H. 2017.
Estimation of the energy expenditure of grazing ruminants by incorporating dynamic body acceleration into a conventional energy requirement system.
Journal of Animal Science. 95(2): 901-909.
Sonoda, Y., Oishi, K., Kumagai, H., Aoki, Y., Hirooka, H. 2017. The effects of welfare-related management practices on carcass characteristics for beef cattle. Livestock Science 197; 112-116.
Anzai H, Oishi K, Kumagai H, Hosoi E, Nakanishi Y, Hirooka H. 2017. Interspecific comparison of allometry between body weight and chest girth in domestic bovids. Scientific Report 7(1), 4817. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04976-z
Kamphayae, S., Kumagai, H., Butcha, P., Ritruechai, V., Udchachon, S. 2017. Yeast mixture of liquid beer and cassava pulp .with rice straw for the growth of dairy heifers. Tropical Animal Health and Production 49: 491-496.
Kamphayae, S., Kumagai, H., Angthong, W., Narmseelee, R., Bureenok, S. 2017. Effects of different ratios and storage periods of liquid brewer窶冱 yeast mixed with cassava pulp on chemical composition, fermentation quality and in vitro ruminal fermentation. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 30: 470-478.
Kamphayae, S., Kumagai, H., Bureenok, S., Narmseelee, R., Butcha, P. 2017.
Effects of graded levels of liquid brewer窶冱 yeast on chemical composition and fermentation quality in cassava pulp and rice straw based total mixed ration silage.
Animal Science Journal 88: 618-624.doi.10.1111/asj.12682
Sakai, T., Angthong, W., Takeda, M., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., Kumagai, H. 2017.
Studies on supplementary desalted mother liquor on digestibility of nutrients, ruminal fermentation, and energy and nitrogen balance in Thai native cattle.
Animal Science Journal 88:1337-1345.doi.10.1111/asj.12790
Kumagai, H., Nakajima, M., Anzai, H., Sakai, T., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H, Shah, M.K. 2017. Statuses of health and mineral nutrition of yaks in southern Mustang, Nepal. Animal Science Journal. 88: 618-624.
Tanaka TST, Irbis C, Kumagai H, Wang P, Inamura T. 2017. Effect of Phragmites japonicus harvest frequency and timing on dry matter yield and nutritive value. Journal of Environmental Management 187: 436-443.
Wang, L., Nakanishi, T., Sato, Y., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., Takahashi,
K., Kumagai, H. 2017. Effect of feeding tamarind kernel powder extract
residue on digestibility, nitrogen availability and ruminal fermentation
in wethers. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences (AJAS) 30(3):
Wang, L., Oishi, K., Sato, Y., Nakanishi, T., Hirooka, H., Takahashi, K., Kumagai, H. 2016. In vitro ruminal fermentation and in situ ruminal degradation of tamarind kernel powder extract residue in wethers. Animal Science Journal. 88(7); 966-973.
Sakai, T., Chi, T.K., Van, T.N., Suzuki, T., Hayashi, K., and Higuchi, K. 2016. Ventilated Hood System for Measurements of Enteric Methane Emissions in Vietnam. JIRCAS Working Report 84: 10-14.
Anzai, H., Wang, L., Oishi, K., Irbis, C., Li, K., Kumagai, H., Inamura, T., and Hirooka, H. 2016. Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus flows in livestock production in Dianchi Lake basin, China. Animal Science Journal. 87(1); 37-45.
Yasuda K., M. Kitagawa, K. Oishi, H. Hirooka, T. Tamura, H. Kumagai. 2015. Growth performance, carcass traits, physiochemical characteristics and intramuscular fatty acid composition of finishing Japanese Black steers fed soybean curd residue and soy sauce cake Animal Science Journal 87; 885-895.
Sakai, T., Devkota, NR., Oishi, K., Hiroyuki, H., Kumagai, H. Evaluation of total mixed ration silage with brewers grains for dairy buffalo in Tarai, Nepal. Animal Science Journal. (accepted for publication)
Amachika Y., H. Anzai, L. Wang, K. Oishi, C. Irbis, K. Li, H. Kumagai, T. Inamura and H. Hirooka. Estimation of potassium and magnesium flows in animal production in Dianchi Lake basin, China. Animal Science Journal 87; 938-946.
Takanishi N., K. Oishi, H. Kumagai, M. Uemura, H. Hirooka. 2015. Factors influencing the priority of access to food and their effects on the carcass traits for Japanese Black (Wagyu) cattle. Animal 9; 2017-2023.
Miwa M., K. Oishi, Y. Nakagawa, H. Maeno, H. Anzai, H. Kumagai, K. Okano, H. Tobioka, H. Hirooka. 2015. Application of overall dynamic body acceleration as a proxy for estimating the energy expenditure of grazing farm animals: Relationship with heart rate. PLOS ONE.10(6): e0128042.
Ishida K, Kishi Y, Oishi K, Hirooka H, Kumagai H. 2015. Effects of feeding polyphenol-rich winery wastes on digestibility, nitrogen utilization, ruminal fermentation, antioxidant status and oxidative stress in wethers. Animal Science Journal 86(3); 260-269.
Yani S, Ishida K, Goda S, Azumai S, Murakami T, Kitagawa M, Okano K, Oishi K, Hirooka H, Kumagai, H. 2015. Effects of utilization of local food by-products as total mixed ration silage materials on fermentation quality and intake, digestibility, rumen condition and nitrogen availability in sheep. Animal Science Journal 86(2); 174-180
Amachika, Y., Anzai, H., Wang, L., Oishi, K., Irbis, C., Li, K., Kumagai, H., Hirooka, H. 2014. Concentrations of cadmium and lead in milk and feed in dairy farms in a region located in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Trace Nutrients Research 31; 45-50.
Ibi, T., Kahi, AK, Hirooka, H. 2014. Genetic parameters of postnatal mortality and birth weight in Japanese Black calves. Animal Science Journal 86; 25-30.
Maeno, H., Oishi, K., Mitsuhashi, T., Kumagai, H., Hirooka, H. 2014. Prediction of carcass composition and individual carcass cuts of Japanese Black steers. Meat Science 96; 1365-1370.
Maeno, H., Oishi, K., Mitsuhashi, T., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2013. Prediction of carcass
composition and individual carcass cuts of Japanese Black steers. Meat
Science 96: 1365-1370.
Maeno, H., Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. 2013. Interspecies differences in the empty body chemical composition of domestic animals. Animal 7:1148-1157.
Oguri, M., Okano, K., Ieki, H., Kitagawa, M., Tadokoro, O., Sano, Y., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2013. Feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen utilization, ruminal condition and blood metabolites in wethers fed ground bamboo pellets cultured with white-rot fungus (Ceriporiopsis subvermispora) and mixed with soybean curd residue and soy sauce cake. Animal Science Journal 84(9): 650-655.
Oishi, K., Kato, Y., Ogino, A., and Hirooka, H. 2013. Economic and environmental impacts of changes in culling parity of cows and diet composition in Japanese beef cow-calf production systems. Agricultural Systems 115: 95-103.
Yanagi, Y., Hirooka, H., Oishi, K., Choumei, Y., Hata, H., Arai, M., Kitagawa, M., Gotoh, T., Inada, S., and Kumagai, H. 2012. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis as a tool for inferring beef cattle feeding systems in Japan. Food Chemistry 134: 502-506.
Ishida, K., Srita, Y., Kitagawa, M., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2012.Effects of adding food by-products mainly including noodle waste to total mixed ration silage on fermentation quality, feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen utilization and ruminal fermentation in wethers. Animal Science Journal 83: 735-742.
Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. 2012. Effects of sex control and twinning on economic optimization of culling cows in Japanese Black cow-calf production systems. Theriogenology 77: 320-330.
Kumagai, H., Baral, B.R., Shiino, T., Devkota, N.R., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., Kolachhapati, M.R., and Tiwari, I.C.P. 2012. Effects of plane of nutrition on growth feed intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance in Murrah graded male buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves in Nepal. Animal Science Journal 83: 50-54.
Kumagai, H., Baral, B.R., Shiino, T., Devkota, N.R., Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. 2012. Effects of plane of nutrition on slaughtering traits and meat characteristics in Murrah graded male buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves in Nepal. Animal Science Journal 83: 434-438.
Anzai, H., Oishi, K., Li, K., Irbis, C., Hirooka, H., Inamura, T., and Kumagai, H. 2011. Dietary nitrate loads on cows in dairy farm near Lake Dian, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Trace Nutrients Research 28: 54-57.
Kato, Y., Ito, M., and Hirooka, H. 2011. Genetic parameters of serum vitamin A and total cholesterol concentrationas and the genetic relationships with carcass traits in F1 cross between Japanese Black steers and Holstein dams. Journal of Animal Science 89: 951-958.
Tsukahara, Y., Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. 2011. Development andapplication of a crossbreeding simulation model for goat production systems in tropical regions. Journal of Animal Science 89: 3890-3907.
Oishi, K., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2011. Application of the modified feed formulation to optimize economic and environmental criteria in beef cattle fattening systems with food by-products. Animal Feed Science and Technology 165: 38-50.
Oishi, K., Ibi, T., Kahi, A.K., and Hirooka, H. 2011. Optimal culling strategy in relation to biological and economic efficiency and annualized net revenue in the Japanese Black cow-calf production system. Journal of Agricultural Science 149: 783-799.
Hayashi, Y., Shah, K., Kumagai, H., and Shah, S.K. 2010. Comparison of bodyweight and body size of growing buffaloes between large and small scale farms in Nepal. Revista Veterinaria 1: 781-783.
Hirooka, H. 2010. Systems approaches to beef cattle production systems using modeling and simulation. Animal Science Journal 81:411-424.
Samiei, A., Liang, J.B., Ghorbani, G.R., Hirooka, H., Yaakub, H., and Tabatabaei, M. 2010. An evaluation of ホイ-hydroxybutyrate in milk and blood for prediction of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows. Politish Journal of Veterinary Science 13: 349-356.
Nishio, M., Kahi, A.K., and Hirooka, H. 2010. Optimization of mate selection based on genotypic information with overlapping generations. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 127: 34-41.
Hayashi, Y., Thapa, B.B., Sharma, M.P., Sapkota, M., and Kumagai, H. 2009. Effects of maize (Zea mays L.) silage feeding on dry matter intake and milk production of dairy buffalo and cattle in Tarai, Nepal. Animal Science Journal 80: 418-427.
Tabata, Y., Togo, D., Kitagawa, M., Oishi, K., Kumagai, H., Kume, S., and Hirooka, H. 2009. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization and their cycling in a beef-forage production system. Animal Science Journal 80: 475-485.
Tabata, Y., Oishi, K., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2009. Application of cycling index and input-output environs for interpretation of nutrient flows in mixed rice-beef production systems in Japan. Animal Science Journal 80: 352-359.
Kanyinji, F., Kumagai, H., Maeda, T., Kaneshima, S., and Yokoi, D. 2009. Effects of supplementary inosine on nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation and nitrogen balance in goats fed high amount of concentrate. Animal Feed Science and Technology 152: 12-20.
Gradiz, L., Alvarado, L., Kahi, A.K., and Hirooka, H. 2009. Fit of Wood's function todaily milk records and estimation of environmental and additive andnon-additive genetic effects on lactation curve and lactation parametersof crossbred dual purpose cattle. Livestock Science124: 321-329.
Kikuhara, K., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2009. Development and evaluation of a simulation model for dairy cattle production systems integrated with Forage crop production. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 22: 57-71.
Kikuhara, K., and Hirooka, H. 2009. Application of a simulation model for dairy cattle production systems integrated with forage crop production: the effects of whole crop rice silage utilization on nutrient balances and profitability. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 22: 216-224.
- Reviews
- Reports
Hirooka, H. 2014. Marbled Japanese Black Cattle. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 131: 1-2.
Hayashi, Y., Shah, M.K., Tabata, Y., Kumagai, H., Shah, S.K., and
Devkota, N.R. 2012. Feeding characteristics and body dimensions of
growing buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised on small-scale
farms in Tarai, Nepal. Journal of Institute of Agriculture and Animal
Science (Tribhuvan University). (in press)
b) International conference presentations
Tsukahara, Y., Tomonaga, N., Tomonaga, S., Kumagai, H., Hirooka, H., and Matsuura, K. Potential of termites as a protein source for chickens. PSVIII-B-16. The Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science - Canadian Society of Animal Science, Oklahoma CIty, OK, USA. June 2022.
Tsukahara, Y., Tomonaga, N., Tomonaga, S., Kumagai, H., Hirooka, H., and Matsuura, K. Effects of termite (Hodotermopsis sjostedti) meal supplement in broiler chicken diets on growth and intake. PSXIII-B-10. The Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science - Canadian Society of Animal Science, Oklahoma CIty, OK, USA. June 2022.
Tsukahara, Y., Gipson, T.A., Hart, SP., Dawson, L., Wang, Z., Puchala, R., Sahlu, T., and Goetsch, A.L. Genetic selection for resistance to gastrointestinal parasitism in meat goats through a performance test with artificial infection of Haemonchus contortus. 126. The 13th International Conference on Goats. Virtual. September 2022.
Tsukahara, Y., Puchala, R., and Goetsch, A.L. Predicting feedstuff associative effects in goats. 147. The 13th International Conference on Goats. Virtual. September 2022.
Kumagai, H., Kawashima, T., Sienou, A. and Nagumo, F. Survey of the farm management, focusing on the regional difference and cattle farming in Burkina Faso. XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress 2021, Online Virtual Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya), October 2021.
Anzai, H., Shah, M.K. and Kumagai, H. Shift in management strategy of yak herding in the south of Mustang District, Nepal, Himalaya. XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress 2021, Online Virtual Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya), October 2021.
Katsumata, S., Yamanaka, S., Yamauchi, M., Hirooka H. and Kumagai, H. Evaluation of the chemical and biological characteristics of sake lees. XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress 2021, Online Virtual Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya), October 2021.
Setoguchi, A., Oishi, K., Kato, K., Kumagai, H., Kimura, Y., Ogino, A. and H. Hirooka. Life cycle assessment of dairy farming with the uses of biogas plant and low-protein diet. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 299. Online Virtual Meeting. December, 2020.
Katsumata, S., Hayashi, Y., Yamanaka, S., Obata, A., Tsutsumi, H., Aoki, H., Tsukahara, T., Oishi, K., Hirooka H. and Kumagai, H. Effects of adding Sake lees in milk replacer on growth, faecal traits and blood metabolites in calves. The 71st Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Online Virtual Meeting (Porto, Portugal), December, 2020.
Oishi, K., and Hirooka, H. Comparison of mitigation strategies for GHG emissions from Japanese Black cattle production systems. Proceedings of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 570, Dubrovnik, Croatia. August, 2018.
Hirooka, H. and Oishi, K. Estimation of Feed Energy Usage, Nitrogen Excretion and Enteric Methane Emission of Livestock in Japan -Systems Approach using Simulation Mode.Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Kitajima, K., Oishi, K., Kojima, T., Masuda, T., Yasunaka, Y., Sakai, K., Uenishi, S., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. Heart rate variability of Japanese Black fattening steers. Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Okamoto, K., Oguri, M., Oishi, K., Kumagai, H. and Hirooka, H. Economic Importance of Carcass Traits and AI Sire Selection for Japanese Black Cattle at a Farm Leve. Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Katsumata, S., Angthong, W., Narmsrilee, R., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H. and Kumagai, H. Effects of Feeding Mother Liquor, By-Product of Monosodium Glutamate, on Digestibility, Energy and Nitrogen Balance and Rumen Condition in Thai Native Bulls.Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Yamauchi, M., Katsumata, S., Wang, L., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H. and Kumagai, H. Effects of Feeding Sake Lees Made by High-Temperature Saccharification Method on Digestibility, Ruminal Fermentation, Nitrogen Balance and Blood Metabolites in Wethers Fed High Concentrate Diets. Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Sakai, K., Oishi, K., Miwa, M., Kumagai, H. & Hirooka, H. Behavior Classification of Grazing Goats with 9D-multi Sensors and Machine Learning. Proceedings of the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Uenishi, S., Oishi, K., Kojima, T., Masuda, T., Sonoda, Y., Kitajima, K., Yasunaka, Y., Sakai, K., Kumagai, H. and Hirooka, H. A Novel Procedure Combining Classified Behaviors by Direct Observations and Physical Activity Quantified by Accelerations to Assess the Behavioral Status of Fattening Steers. Proceedings of the 18thAsian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Kato, K., Oishi, K., Setoguchi, A. and Hirooka, H.Life Cycle Assessment of Japanese Dairy Farming Systems with Different Protein Content Feeding. Proceedings of the 18thAsian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Shimizu, Y., Oishi, K., Sonoda, Y., Kimura, Y. and Hirooka, H. Dairy Farmers窶 Preferences for Environmentally Friendly Feeds: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment. Proceedings of the 18thAsian-Australasian Animal Production Congress, The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Sarawak, Malaysia. August, 2018.
Kumagai, H., Yasuda, K., Sakai, T., Angthong, W. 2017. Utilization of local food by-products for beef production: research outcomes from Japan and Thailand. Seminar on Adopting Smart Beef Cattle Feeding Techniques. Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. pp1-11.
Sonoda, Y., Oishi, K., Kumagai, H., Aoki, Y., and Hirooka, H. The association between productivity and housing and management practices related with animal welfare in beef fattening. Proceedings of the 17th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Fukuoka, Japan. August, 2016. Young Scientist Award/JSAS Excellent Presentation Award
Kitajima, K., Oishi, K., Miwa, M., Anzai, H., Setoguchi, A., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. Relationship between heat stress and heart rate variability in sheep and goats. Proceedings of the 17th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Fukuoka, Japan. August, 2016.
Wang, L., Tanaka, T.S.T., Anzai, H., Hama, Y., Oishi, K., Irbis, C., Kumagai, H., Inamura T., and Hirooka. H. Estimation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Flows in Dairy Cattle Production in western China. Proceedings of the 17th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Fukuoka, Japan. August, 2016. Young Scientists Award/JSAS Excellent Presentation Award
Anzai, H., Shah, M.K., Nakajima, M., Sakai, T., Oishi, K., Hirooka H., and Kumagai, H. Slaughter traits of yaks raised on sub-Himalayan pastures in Western Nepal. Proceedings of the 17th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Fukuoka, Japan. August, 2016.
Kumagai H. 2016. Utilization of local feed resources for dairy buffalo, cattle and yak in Nepal. Proceedings of the Workshop 窶廛airy Production with Local Feed Resources in Asian Countries窶 in 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Fukuoka, Japan. August. pp3-6.
Hirooka H. Incorporation of environmental impacts for evaluating animal production systems. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2015). October 27-30, Pattaya, Thailand.
Anzai, H., M.K. Shah, M. Nakajima, T. Sakai, K. Oishi, H. Hirooka and H. Kumagai. 2015. Selectivity for rangeland characteristics by grazing yaks in Western Nepal, Himalaya. Proceedings of the 49th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, pp.179, Sapporo, Japan. (The Best Presentation Award for the Student Poster Competition)
Oishi,K., M. Miwa, Y. Yasunaka, S. Yamada, H. Kitaura, H. Sakai, K. Yamaguchi, Y. Himeno, H. Kumagai, S. Ieiri and H. Hirooka. 2015. Evaluation of heart rate variability of grazing cows by simultaneous measurements of RR intervals and body acceleration. Proceedings of the 49th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, pp.200, Sapporo, Japan.
Yamada, S., K. Oishi, H. Kumagai and H. Hirooka. Quantification of environmental impacts from dairy and beef production on national scale in Japan. The 66th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Warsaw, Poland. August 2015.
Miwa, M., K. Oishi, Y. Nakagawa, H. Maeno, H. Kumagai, M. Hirano, M. Yoshioka, H. Tobioka, K. Okano and H. Hirooka. 2014. Development of a new method to estimate energy expenditure of grazing ruminants using body acceleration index. Proceedings of the 16th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Anzai, H., M.K. Shah, T. Sakai, K. Oishi, H. Hirooka and H. Kumagai. 2014. Use of GPS and GIS for estimating grazing pattern of yak in western Nepal, Himalaya. Proceedings of the 16th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Sakai, T., W. Angthong, M. Takeda, T. Suzuki, K. Oishi, H. Hirooka and H. Kumagai. 2014. Effects of feeding desalted mother liquor from seasoning process on blood metabolites and ruminal fermentation in Thai native bulls. Proceedings of the 16th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Yasuda K, K. Oishi, H. Hirooka, M. Kitagawa, T. Tamura and H. Kumagai. 2014. Palatability Evaluation of the Feed for Early Fattening Japanese Black Steers Including Soybean Curd Residue and Soy Sauce Cake. Proceedings of the 16 th Animal Science Congress, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Yogyakarta Indonesia. 2014.
Oishi, K., Kato, Y., Ogino, A., Kumagai, H., and Hirooka, H. 2012. Economic and environmental impacts of changes in feed formulation methods in the Japanese beef-fattening system. Proceedings of the 15th Animal Science Congress, C01-OP-005, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Bangkok, Thailand. 2012.
Anzai, H., Oishi, K., Li, K., Irbis, C., Kumagai, H., Inamura, T., and Hirooka, H. 2012. Estimation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Budgets for Dairy Cows, Pigs and Chickens near Lake Dian, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China. Proceedings of the 15th Animal Science Congress, C32-OP-304, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Bangkok, Thailand. 2012.
Miwa, M., Oishi, K., Nakagawa, Y., Maeno, H., Kumagai, Hirano, M., Yoshioka, M., Tobioka, H., and Hirooka, H. 2012. Relationship between Heart Rate and Overall Dynamic Body Acceleration: In Case of Grazing Cattle. Proceedings of the 15th Animal Science Congress, S10-PP-277, The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Bangkok, Thailand. 2012.
Yani, S., Ishida, K., Goda, S., Azumai, S., Murakami, T., Kitagawa, M., Okano, K., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2012. Evaluation of food by-products mainly including potato waste and soybean curd reesidue as total mixed ration silage for lactating dairy cows. Proceedings of the 4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference. P2-033. Aichi, Japan.
Yanagi, Y., Kumagai, H., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kitagawa, M. Sep., 2011. Estimation of feed ingredient and intake in cattle using stable isotope analyses. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. P2/084.
Hayashi, Y., Shah, M.K., and Kumagai, H. Jun., 2011. Feeding trait of goats, trading and slaughter as meat resources of goats and chickens raised by small-scale farmers in Tarai, Nepal. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries: 97-101.
Hayashi, Y., Shah, M.K., Kumagai, H., and Shah, S.K. 2010. Feeding traits and body dimensions of goats raised by small-scale farms Tarai, Nepal. The 14th Animal Science Congress. Proceedings of the 14th Animal Science Congress. The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. Pingtung, Taiwan.
Hayashi, Y., Shah, M.K., Kumagai, H., and Shah, S.K. Apr, 2010. Comparison of bodyweight and body size of growing buffaloes between large and small scale farms in Nepal. The 9th World Buffalo Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Yanagi, Y., Oishi, K., Kitagawa, M., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2010. Turnover of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope in cattle tail hair. International Symposium on Isotope Ecology 2010 in Kyoto. Kyoto, Japan.
Sakai, T., Araki, C., Devkota, N.R., Oishi, K., Hirooka, H., and Kumagai, H. 2010. Characteristics of buffalo and cattle productions and the feed resources in mid-hill regions, Nepal. Proceedings of the 14th Animal Science Congress. The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. Pingtung, Taiwan.
Ishida, K., Yani, S., Kitagawa, M., Oishi, K., Hirooka、H., and Kumagai, H. 2010. Palatability of Food By-Products in Total Mixed Ration Silage Fed to Fattening Heifers. Proceedings of the 14th Animal Science Congress. The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. Pingtung, Taiwan.
Nakagawa, Y., Oishi, K., Kojima, T., Ohta, N., Yoshioka, M., Kumagai, H., Moriya, K., Umemura K., and Hirooka, H. 2010. The relationship between energy expenditure and jaw movements of grazing cattle. Proceedings of the 14th Animal Science Congress. The Asian Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. Pingtung, Taiwan.
Baral, B.R., Devkota N.R., Kumagai, H., Kolachhapan, M.R., and Tiwari, I.C.P. Oct., 2009. Effects of plain of nutrition on growth, feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance and carcass traits in male buffalo calves. The 6th Asian Buffalo Congress. p165. Lahore, Pakistan.